Antonella Bini was born in Rome but straight after school she moves to London that remains her base for over a decade.
During and after her degree studies, she works in the media sector and experiments adventures around the world, diving into each project with wonder and curiosity.

When she starts to work as Creative Media Teacher at WestHerts College in Watford, she discovers her vocation for teaching. She is immediately hooked! Being surrounded by young people, talking stimulating conversations, coming up with exciting  projects…it’s the dream job! She decides to embrace this career and studies the theory of teaching and learning, pursuing the PostGraduate in Education (PGCE).

Back in Italy she starts to work with young kids and she discovers that among all humans they are the most wise and awake.
It’s a new magic beginning: to learn again all the important things and to be able to dedicate time to study nature and animals.
At the same time she starts to practice Yoga at Vitala centre in Fregenae, a seaside town in the northern coast of Rome. Yoga practice feels like a journey but this time inside the body, where life flows powerful and invisible.
To explore the endless possibility of breathing and movement becomes a mission! She attends the teacher training course Yoga e Medicina YTT250  and the master Oscillazioni YTT100  (both certified Yoga Alliance – CSEN/CONI).

But the roots of yoga are in India and she wants to go there and see. In Dharamkot, on the Himalayas, surrounded by majestic mountains and frisky monkeys, she embraces the silence and learns to practice the ancient meditation technique Vipassana. She spends several months at Paramanand Institute for Yoga Science and Research in Indore. There she immerses herself in daily meditation practices and falls head over heels with the classic Yoga texts. She  also pursues YTT300 Yoga Alliance.

Teacher Ant, as she is known by her pupils, loves dancing, swimming and trekking. Every morning she sits in silence to say hello to the rising sun.