What is gratitude? Gratitude is… never taking anything for granted! Acknowledging the value of every little or big detail that colours our life with endless shades. Here is an experiment: let’s try to investigate the complex mechanisms behind a simple strawberry. Take a strawberry and try to recall the long long journey the strawberry undertook before landing in your hands. We will need to thank every person, animal or other forces involved in the strawberry’s story.

Ready, steady…go! Thank you to…
The soil that embraced and protected the plant’s little seed where the strawberry then grew: thank you Soil! The rain that gave water to the soil and the roots and refreshed the plant: thank you Rain! The sun that gives warmth and strength to everything: thank you Sun! The worms that fed the soil: thank you Worms! The farmers who took care of the strawberry plant: thank you Farmers! The fruit pickers that gathered the strawberry when ripe: thank you Fruit Pickers! The drivers who delivered the strawberry to the grocery shop or to the supermarket: thank you Drivers! The people who work in the shops and supermarkets and placed the strawberry on the shelf: thank you Sales Assistants! The cashier that received the money in exchange for the strawberry: thank you Cashier! (in case of automatic cashiers who could we thank?) And finally let’s thank the person who gave us the strawberry: thank you …… !
Now it’s time to eat the strawberry: enjoy!