Yoga in the ancient Sanskrit language means yoke, which was a tool used to keep together the working animals, that was before tractors were invented! That’s why yoga is called this way, because it actually treats our body, mind and heart as a unit.
Yoga comes from India and it’s very old: it’s been there for over 5000 years! The very first yogini (read: female really into yoga) and yogi (read: male really into yoga) lived in the forest, observed nature and tried to imitate it with their bodies.

Classic yoga poses are called Asanas, which means posture and often represent natural elements like trees, mountains or animals.
In doing the asanas the human body learns coordination and gains flexibility and strength. Though yoga is much more than body work. Yoga is a way to act on all connections inside our bodies (nervous, circulatory, endocrine, respiratory systems and much more) to make them work together in harmony. Just like ants and bees do, like a superorganism! When we do yoga we can transform into cobras, crickets, the moon and  whatever we want to be.

But under your nose there is another big yoga secret: your breath! Breathing can be used as a tool for focus and balance, and when we are into something, it feels good, concentration makes us happy. Side effects of yoga include: having fun and growing gratitude and kindness in our hearts.
Namastè Olè!